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Goku tries to use Instant Transmission to catch the thieves, but finds that his control over the ability is severely limited due to his new body. Angry, the Cardinal turns the brothers into dolls and disposes of them. Dragon Ball was an anime series that ran from 1986 to 1989. King Kai interrupts their conversation. Goku finds Baby, and they begin to fight. "The Seven-Star Dragon" / "Look Out, Pan! Desperado Son Goku!?". She disguises herself as a robot to further infiltrate the compound. To create these Blutz Waves, Bulma has built a mobile version of the machine that she built for Baby on the Tuffle planet while she was possessed by one of Baby's parasitic offspring. Baby tells Goten that he plans on possessing him. Goku fires a Kamehameha wave at the dragon, seemingly killing him. Trunks the Bride". Then he and Vegeta attempt to fuse again, but this time Omega Shenron knows what fusion is, and stops them. Bulma arrives with the Blutz Wave Generator, and she blasts Vegeta with it. While the team is flying to the planet, Trunks suggests going back to Earth to replace Pan with Goten. for the ending theme. Mehr lesen. Then she shows him a picture of their family and friends on a beach vacation on Earth, and combined with Pan's tears, this reminds Goku of who he is. The Para Para brothers return to the planet they left Goku and the others on. Son Goku's True Determination". They claim the seven-star ball, and continue their journey. 2. Goku powers down and Pan catches the seven-star ball, only to find that it still has cracks in it. With his Power Pole in hand, Goku flies off on the Flying Nimbus into the distance and says "Til we meet again, guys. Knowing that it won't work again, Omega Shenron lets them try one more time. He was only destroying his people for fun. Emperor Pilaf Saga. Next Arc » Connect With Us. Goku, Trunks, and Pan decide to give themselves up, so they can infiltrate the king's palace. However, as Goku is too short to pull it off convincingly, the two force Trunks to do so. While 17 is distracted by making his energy ball, Goku sneaks up from behind and grabs him. Tamageta zo!! Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! Vegeta notices something wrong with Gohan right away, and instructs Bulla to go home. "The Resurrection of Cell and Frieza" / "The Villains Of Hell!! "The Greatest Surprise" / "A Grand Turnabout! "Curtain Call" / "The Number One Under The Sun Tournament. For a list of Dragon Ball and Dragon … Goku tries to use Instant Transmission to sneak up on 17, but the android can sense where he is going to appear by analyzing the distortion Instant Transmission causes in the atmosphere. "The Three-Star Dragon" / "After the Sun Comes the Freeze! Surprisingly, Goku absorbs the familiar energy reflecting off the Earth, the Blutz Waves, causing him to finally transforming into a Great Ape, but this time with golden fur. Baby begins writhing in pain. Buu and Hercule, through Buu's protection, are the only two that escaped Baby's rampage. The next day, Zoonama comes to claim his bride, Trunks. They find some weird electric slime, and they figure out that the five-star dragon, Rage Shenron, is controlling the slime. Goku has some trouble with them, but in the end, he doesn't even need to transform into a Super Saiyan to beat them. Diese Episodenliste enthält alle 131 Episoden der japanischen Animeserie Dragon Ball Super, sortiert nach der japanischen Erstausstrahlung, welche zwischen 2015 und 2018 erfolgte. But instead of quickly finishing the job, Gogeta toys with Omega Shenron. Mit Beratung von Erfolgszeichner Akira Toriyama entstanden so 64 neue spannende Folgen. Diese Episodenliste enthält alle Episoden der japanischen Animeserie Dragon Ball GT, … Shuyaku wa Watashi! Right before the explosion, Omega took cover inside of Nuova's heat-resistant body. With Gero out of the picture, he tells 17 to finish them all off. Piccolo's plan is to replicate the method that the two Android 17's used to escape from hell. With their powers rejuvenated, Goku and Pan destroy the dragon quickly before his pollution has enough time to take effect and claim the two-star ball, which returns to its original form. Piccolo, however, has a plan, and requests that King Yemma send him to hell; when King Yemma refuses, Piccolo convinces him that he made a mistake by wreaking havoc with numerous energy waves, and is sent to hell. They all are able to escape but the lava from the eruption is heading towards the village. You can help by donating to us directly, or by shopping online at certain retailers through our affiliate links below. Because he's been fighting longer than Vegeta, he is out of power, and therefore can't fuse. There, they find that Giru has stolen the Dragon Balls. Capture Luud!!". Back on Earth, Buu, Pan, and Mr. Satan sneak onto the ship. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bulla each give all of their energy to Baby, who takes on a new form and overpowers Goku with one punch. Piccolo's Grave Decision". Even the hotel they stay at charges them for every possible thing. 'I Bit the Dust.'". 2. 17 takes each of them down with a single punch. Goku is forced to enter the Junior Division, since he is a child again; when he asks Mr. Satan about this, he states it is because of his height, and Pan fights in the Adult Division because she is taller than he is. Goku meets a strange man named Sugoro, who challenges him to a life-sized board game. He gets knocked out of the ring, and Mr. Satan retains the title of World Champion. Goku entrusts Vegeta to take his place as Earth's savior, and as they fly away, Bulma reminisces about her time with Goku. But just as he makes his inter-dimensional shift, he is hit by the blast's shockwave, and accidentally drops Goku in a mysterious dimension. After a while, Pan succumbs to, "Giru's Checkered Past" / "Machine Planet M2... Giru The Backstabber!?". Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 05.02.2005. With the planet restored, everybody begins to celebrate as Chi-Chi tells Bulma no matter how big or small he is, Goku is still her husband. Trunks has deactivated Baby's, "Hidden Danger" / "A Hidden Crisis!? His scheme; to lock on the Earth and transform into a Great Ape, hoping to come back for another fight with Goku. In Deutschland wird die Serie auf ProSieben Maxx ausgestrahlt. Dragon Ball GT uses five pieces of theme music. The reason the balls scatter after they're used is to give them time to release their negative energy. He is about to throw her into the giant cauldron when Trunks and Goku show up. As Majuub and Baby begin to fight on the Tuffle Planet, after numerous failed attempts to grow his Saiyan tail, Goku ties Elder Kai to a rock and tells him to hold on to the pliers. He is about to win, when Buu, from inside of him, tells him to let Mr. Satan win, as Mr. Satan gives the world hope. After revealing that he was created when Master Roshi and Bulma wished to revive Goku when Vegeta and Nappa originally came to Earth, he gathers the slime and becomes gigantic. Rate. Episode 42 marks the next ending theme change, with "Blue Velvet" by Shizuka Kudō being used. On his tower, Baby and Bulma find a puzzling information on how did the Earth give Goku the Blutz Waves to become a Great Ape, and Bulma explain the reason Baby can't turn into one since he took control of Vegeta's body is that the Saiyan Prince no longer has a tail. Baby, as Gohan, continues his search for Vegeta. But even with his tail back, he does not seem to have gained any strength. Goku's and #18's Combo Attack Explodes". "The Five-Star Dragon" / "Down Goes Saiya-Power!? Pan sees something move, and decides to check it out. Goku easily fights off the two of them, but then Vegeta shows up. Bulma finds a small part of the ship that fell off during takeoff. The brothers tricked them into a rocky planet, whose center is a maze of caves. Baby, as Gohan, finds Vegeta and Bulla driving along a highway. Vegeta prepares to attack it, but Goku knocks him aside and tries to push it back. Goku prevented the Earth from blowing up, but seemingly died in the blast. Dragon Ball Z would follow up and expand upon Dragon Ball’s 153 episodes and three theatrical movies, with 291 episodes, 2 feature-length TV specials, and 13 theatrical movies of its own. The Ringleader of the Evil Dragons", Goku and Eis begin to fight. Intending to kill the dragon, along with Pan, he hits the dragon with a Kamehameha wave. Baby, this parasite, possessed Dr. Myuu and forced him to create a body for him. Rate. He then transforms into a Golden Great Ape and finally Super Saiyan 4, but even teaming up with Goku won't be enough to stop Omega Shenron. Goku is forced to run from the dragon. The reason for the entire plan is inside. In total 65 episodes of Dragon Ball GT were aired. Alone in his new room, the boy is revealed to be possessed by Baby. Chō Yabai!? The Warrior of the Sun". He decides to take them out himself, and he takes off toward their spaceship. Shinsei Ūbu hissatsu kōsen!! Goku and Rilldo continue their fight. Trunks makes an emergency landing on the nearest planet, Imecka. Rate. Goten and Baby begin to fight. He finds Trunks, Goku, and the Para Para brothers and tells them where Pan went. The girl has agreed to become Zoonama's bride if he will stop creating earthquakes, and he agrees, saying that he'll come back tomorrow for her. Goku stops by Kame House to say goodbye to Master Roshi and Krillin, who has been revived. Goku Swallows the Si Xing Qiu". Dragon Ball GT was an anime series that ran from 1996 to 1997. "The Return of Uub" / "Goku Is Back!! Trunks gives Zoonama a potion that is supposed to put him to sleep. "Old Kai's Last Stand" / "What a Turnout!! Baby begins to pummel Goku, who is now helpless. Gokū to 18-gō no nidan kōgeki sakuretsu, Saikyō no teki!? Giru informs the party that they only have two minutes until the ship crashes into the star it is orbiting. He has gathered all the energy from the Earth, but it's not enough. Newbie Guide Power Levels Relation Charts Red Ribbon Army Ranks Room of Spirit and Time Saiya-jin Forms Special Attacks Tenkaichi Budoukai Info Training Locations Voice Actors Multimedia Daizenshyu Scans Final Bout Scans Video Games Game Reviews DBZ Sagas Walkthrough. The Earth begins to shake violently. 1. Luud is powered up, though not at full strength, and he begins to fight Goku and Trunks. Pan helped him become conscious of himself, and this made him transform again into the final Super Saiyan 4 stage. Pan Uchū ni Tobitatsu!! Learn how and when to remove this template message, "U.S. TV's Nicktoons to Run Dragon Ball GT in January - News", Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku. Die Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland fand ab Ende August 1999 auf RTL II statt. Myuu realizes that Luud is losing his fight, so he commands Daltaki to let Luud absorb Pan. 4. Pan, meanwhile, is trying to sneak into the main tower, but the emergency removal system keeps spitting her back out. Rage Shenron tricks Pan by admitting defeat and when she tries to claim the Dragon Ball, Rage Shenron tries to trap her but she gets out of the way. "The Four-Star Dragon" / "6000 Degree Celsius Power! After Pilaf leaves, King Kai tells Goku that the only way he can return to normal is by finding the Black Star Dragon Balls, which are now scattered throughout the galaxy. Mr. Satan convinces the people that the Earth really is going to explode. Back on the Tuffle planet, Majuub creates a giant energy wave and aims it at Baby to turn. Goku stops them, saying that the only thing powerful enough to stop Baby is Super Saiyan 4. Pan sneaks into their hideout and finds some robot parts. She reveals that she was created by the very first wish that Goku and company ever made (Oolong wishing for a pair of underwear in order to thwart Emperor Pilaf); while both she and Pan are disgusted and embarrassed by this, Goku looks back on it with humor, much to the dragon's anger. Super Android 17 has now absorbed so much energy that he is stronger than Goku. After the explosion, the others find Goku lying unconscious with the Dragon Balls scattered around him. Now at full power, Lord Luud seems unstoppable. Bulma then explains how Goku became Super Saiyan 4 in the fight against Baby on the Tuffle planet: when Goku looked at the Earth from the Tuffle planet as if it were a full moon, he transformed into a Golden Great Ape because the Blutz Waves he absorbed were naturally being created by the Earth, in the same way as if they only reflect from the moon. He pushes Pan halfway out of him, and Goku grabs her and pulls her out. The Ultimate Super Gogeta". The Worst Brotherly Spat!?". When these two androids fuse together, the resulting Super Android 17 will have unbelievable power. "Beginning of The End" / "'That's Just Great!!' Omega then once again floods the Earth with negative energy, and Vegeta, seeking to avenge Goku's apparent death, charges, only to be defeated quickly. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks come to Baby's aid, but he reveals that he was just testing Uub. Buu explodes, and the pieces of him rain down on Uub. Lead by colorist Steve Franko, all 291 episodes of Dragon Ball Zwere given a series of clean-ups. A Tearful 10-Fold Kamehameha". The Cardinal is angry with them, because he knows that the three had another Dragon Ball aboard their ship, and if they don't retrieve it, he will turn them into dolls. They land, and take the boy to the hospital, where Goku is highly nervous and uncomfortable due to his severe, "Discovering The Truth" / "Baby Strikes Back!! Dragon Ball GT. Der Dragon Ball GT Episodenguide bietet dir eine Liste aller 32 Episoden von Dragon Ball GT in der Übersicht. There is a spring here that is feeding in pure water from underground, keeping the area clean. Pilaf was about to wish to take over the world until he is interrupted by Goku, who asks where the mysterious light is coming from and recognizes Pilaf as Pilaf discovers that Goku looks very familiar and Pilaf orders his assistants, Shu and Mai to fire the missiles at Goku, but Goku stops the missiles and tells the gang that they never change. ", Giru detects a Dragon Ball on a desert planet. Baby aims another beam right at the Earth, but Goku gets in the way and takes the full force of the blast. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 3, but finds that with his new body, he can't reach his full power, or defend himself as well. He loses his Super Saiyan 4 form, and can't use Instant Transmission. Vegeta decides to evacuate the Earth's population to the Tuffle planet, using ships and Goku's Instant Transmission, which he can use again as a Super Saiyan 4. They gather the Dragon Balls to fix this, only to find that they are all cracked. When they find them, they are being attacked by four giant worm monsters. However, he is only able to cut off one before Zoonama wakes up. Possessed By Qi Xing Long". Giru jumps up to the platform they're on to join them. But Pan's attacks seem to do less and less, until the dragon is able to overpower her. When he recovers, he explains that Android 17 attacked him, and said that Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu have demanded that Goku come to hell through the black hole and fight them, or else they will resurrect Cell and Frieza and send them to Earth. He realizes that it's the right thing to do, so he reluctantly transforms into a Super Saiyan 4. Dragon Ball Kai is the second anime-adaptation of the second half of the Dragon Ball series. Buu takes Pan and Mr. Satan to safety. The absence of the part causes a jet to fall off of the ship. He and Giru reveal that everything that happened on this planet was planned by Giru and him. Meanwhile, Baby escapes to his tower where the infected Bulma is, thinking of his new plan in motion. Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Dragon_Ball_GT_episodes&oldid=1010755477, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from January 2009, All articles needing additional references, Television articles with incorrect naming style, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "A Devastating Wish" / "The Mysterious Activate!! With a total of 21 reported filler episodes, Dragon Ball has a low filler percentage of 14%. They head into the main chamber to retrieve the Dragon Ball, but Master Daltaki stops them. Thousands of Giru-like robots appear, and they all seem to know him. Meanwhile, back on Earth, a mysterious and powerful thug is rampaging through the city looking for the Saiyans. Dragonball GT Son Gokus letztes großes Abenteuer! Gohan, Goten, and Trunks cut him off to buy their fathers some time. Goku tries to transform into a Super Saiyan and finds that he is unable to. Just before Baby's Revenge Death Ball could hit Goku, Kibito Kai appears and pulls him out of the way. The dragon explains that his pollution causes all living things to exponentially weaken, die and decay over a short period of time. Goku then charges at Baby, but the evil Tuffle grabs him by his tail, swirls him around in the air and throws him back to the ground, badly injuring him and causing him to regress back to his base form. Vegeta tries to leave for the fight to join Goku and the others, but Bulma convinces him to stay. The dust clears, and the dragon is still alive. He tries his best to avoid Baby's attacks while still seeming confident. Though the Earth is not destroyed, the blast has caused it significant damage, and it won't be able to take another direct hit. The volcano begins to erupt. S1, Ep1. Giru, who is unaffected by the poison due to being a robot, goes underwater and pulls them to an uninfected part of the lake. "Pan Blasts Off" / "I'll Take the Lead! The box set includes the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga and most of the Baby Saga, spanning the first 34 episodes over 5 discs. He attacks Trunks, but Goku and Pan arrive in time to save him. Back on the Tuffle Planet, Bulma uses the Blutz Wave Generator again to restore Baby to his full strength. Son Goku's Attacked By a Metal Storm". Dragon Ball GT: Doragon bôru jîtî (original title) TV-PG | 24min | Animation , Action , Adventure | TV Series (1996–2002) Episode Guide Dragon Ball GT is the third anime series in the Dragon Ball franchise and a sequel to the Dragon Ball Z anime series. Pan Becomes A Doll". Omega Shenron blasts everyone except Goku away. After recalling their past of once being in one body, Buu and Uub fuse to form Majuub. When Goku and Pan arrive back at home, they notice something strange about Chi-Chi and Videl after Goku believes that Chi-Chi is still mad at him for not using the Dragon Balls to return to normal size and Pan thinks that Videl is mad at her for disobeying her and going to space with Goku. General Rilldo, who has been watching on a video screen, gets very angry. "A Secret Revealed" / "What's goin' on!!? Goku figures out how to defeat the giant worm monsters, and the three make short work of them. He instructs them to give him their energy so he can fight. He tries to blow them both up, but when the smoke clears, both of them remain alive. More giant worm monsters appear and crush the brothers' stereos, freeing Goku, Trunks, and Pan. Back in town, they find that they are at the top of Imecka's most wanted list. They learn that this is all because of the new tyrannical king of Imecka. Bulma arrives, saying that the Earth is incredibly unstable because of the interdimensional portals that 17 and Piccolo opened up. Uub and Baby begin to fight, and Uub seems to be winning. Though stunned by Goku's amazing new transformation, Baby refuses to believe that Saiyans can change into Great Apes without the full moon, until he realizes in horror that Goku has used the Earth as the moon's resemblance. The dragon creates a massive earthquake, but Pan and Goku as a Super Saiyan 4, are able to prevent the city from being damaged. This gives them enough time to give Goku their energy. Meanwhile, Daltaki is summoned before his master, Dr. Myuu. The two-star dragon, Haze Shenron, is severely polluting the entire area, so Pan steps in to stop him. Funimation licensed the series for an English language Region 1 DVD release and broadcast in the United States. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/QaOVPfBECOME A SUPER HERO WHEN YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW! While Goku and Trunks fight Cardinal Muchi Muchi (in his true form which was shown on episode 11), Pan is picked up by the mysterious Master Dolltaki, the leader of the Luud cult. When he proves to be too strong for them, they combine into the Sigma Force Cannon. He is still tipsy from the potion, and tries to cause an earthquake with his remaining whisker, but nothing happens. 64. Gohan to Goten... Sai-aku no kyōdai Genka!? The dragon regresses to his normal form, and Goku destroys him. It was used as the ending theme for the remainder of the series, except for the final episode, which reused the opening theme for the series as the ending theme. "The Tail's Tale" / "Take This, Baby! The sun seems unusually hot, and they discover that it is because of the four-star dragon, Nuova Shenron, who reveals that he was created when the original King Piccolo wished to regain his youth and full power. It turns out that Bulma has created her Blutz Wave Generator. After being infected with Omega's negative energy, Nuova was flooded with positive energy while inside Goku. Episode Guide Dragon Ball GT Episode List. The skipped episodes were later shown on Cartoon Network as "The Lost Episodes" after the original broadcast concluded. Baby (in Vegeta's body) then confronts Goku. For the individual series' episode guides, use the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and Super Dragon Ball Heroes guides. The episodes that comprise the Dragon Ball GT anime are listed below. Rate. He flies in the giant's mouth and blasts the tooth out with a Kamehameha wave. He admits that Luud is just a robot, but then uses Luud to turn them into dolls. Trunks and Goten are exterminating Saibamen, while Vegeta deals with the new Android 17. Goku and Super Android 17 begin to fight. He says that there is a single cell on the chest of the robot, and that hitting it with simultaneous blasts from the inside and outside will destroy Luud, and free the people trapped inside. April 2020 um 06:13 Uhr bearbeitet. They find the two-star dragon destroying a village. He telepathically communicates his plan with Dende. { anime Dragon ball gt anime, Dragonball Gt Episode Guide, free Dragon Ball GT, Watch Anime Dragon Ball GT, watch anime free} { Leave a Comment} "Lord Luud's Curse" / "Luud's Curse!? Pan and Giru land on planet Luud, and with the dragon radar, they find the location of the six-star ball. "Sabitsuita Mashingan de Ima o Uchinukō" (錆びついたマシンガンで今を撃ち抜こう), performed by Wands, is introduced as an ending theme in episode 51. The group leaves the planet with their first Black Star Dragon Ball. Realizing this, Baby attacks them. Goku is able to destroy it with a Kamehameha wave. They are now Gogeta, and are far more powerful than Omega Shenron. He kills both of them quickly, but they come back to life. Meanwhile, Goku sees what's happening on the Tuffle planet and demands to be sent there immediately. Dragonball GT, die zweite Fortsetzung der super erfolgreichen Anime-Serie, wurde speziell für Fans der bewegten Bilder konzipiert. The three get hungry, so they go in search of food. Pan makes it to the semi-finals of the Adult Division, but forfeits because she doesn't want to turn out like her grandpa, Mr. Satan. Unbeknownst to the savage Goku, Pan and Mr. Satan were following him quietly after learning he has survived somehow and barely even recognize him in his Great Ape form. Shenron Is Our Enemy?!". But when the smoke clears, only Omega is left. "Terror on Imecka" / "The Ultimate Moneygrubbers!! Baby even laid an egg inside of Majin Buu, but Buu was able to spit it out. She is much more powerful than the dragon and relentlessly beats it up. Find out the truth behind the vagueness of the Dragon Ball GT ending. The following is a non-profit, fan-based "FAIR USE" dubbing. Goku and Pan claim the five-star ball. His plan is to use the Sacred Water, the same water that was used to return Earth to normal after they beat Garlic Jr, to revive the other Saiyans. She says that she's working on something that will help him. Just before Shenron leaves, he calls for Goku to accompany him. To make matters worse, a band of military officers arrives to arrest them. The resulting explosion destroys Cardinal Muchi Muchi, but his whip transforms into his true form. Watching this from hell, Goku asks King Yemma if he can bring him to Earth, but it is beyond Yemma's power.

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