26. Dezember 2020

warlock tbc arena

Nether Core’s Control Rod Fel Concentration receives 0 points as drain tanking is not the objective here. The 4 piece bonus is the best in the game for warlocks. Outline: I.Important Warlock Stats Hit (and easy gear to get when your just starting out) Damage Crit Haste. However the haste on the pieces from ZA give a big expense to your damage and crit so they aren’t very good pieces.The only really good pieces(and thus exceptions to my last comment) are the Fetish of the Primal Gods and the ring from the 3rd chest event which is one of the best rings in game for +hit casters. Lay down DoTs, Drain Life or Shadow Bolt spam (mana efficiency vs. DPS) till mob is almost dead, then Drain Soul (rank 1) at last second for 15% mana regen. When to switch to destruction: The spec performs best when you are hit capped(or very close to it) , have 1100 shadow dmg and 23-25% crit chance (with talents). It combines heavy DoT damage with the main benefits from the Demonology tree, including DS, which offers a lot of flexibility. Soulfrost or Sunfire later on when you have a good weapon with no upgrades soon. 3.DoTimer However, your damage will increase drastically after you increase the … Spell damage coefficient – WoWWiki – Your guide to the World of Warcraft. CoD is almost always better as a curse, with overall DPS. This build is focused on dealing Shadow damage as it is superior to Fire in most cases. Soul Link is as always nice to have in PvP, but also because of the additional 5% +dmg. They help with timing in boss fights and with certain events. Malediction provides much-needed damage boost to Curse of the Elements. This spec helps because later on you will find out that with the gear that you have, Ruin will outdps Unstable Affliction. This is a good all around build, suitable for farming and 5-man instances, but it especially shines in PvP. Curse/Dot Rotation As 41/0/17 Voidheart is useful for the lower raid instances(labeled T4 instances). Gloves The addition of Soul Siphon and Fel Concentration allows the warlock to better drain life back from enemies when mana becomes scarce - this goes some way to offset the loss of stamina given by the low level demonology talents. In high ratings you will see a lot of resto druid + either lock or rogue. Shadowburn adds instant burst damage, thus addressing the greatest downside of affliction builds. Brooch of Hightened Potential 1% spell crit is equivalent to 22.1 spell crit rating. Cards listed in Tier 1 are generally better than cards listed in Tier 2, and so on. There are some videos on Youtube and so, but information on general are pretty much scarce. Pyroclasm is an alternative place to put the single point in destruction that the shadow build places in Improved Immolate to add a low chance stun when AOEing. It is possible re-summon him, at full or almost-full health and perserve the buffs. Improved Drain Soul is taken for the threat reduction effect. The main criticisms are that while Demonic Embrace is taken, your demon is sacrificed so you do not benefit from Blood Pact which is offered by an affliction build so survivability is not significantly increased. In early karazhan it is good to have 600 shadow damage minimum but it is easy to achieve at least 1000(with fel armor) with the Spellstrike and Shadoweave sets. http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=Iydb0RcoZ0gI0IVzces. Improved Succubus gives extra time on Seduce for pulls where the extra CC offsets the damage lost by not sacrificing her. Go to the back of the room and wait for the Hunter MD. Lifetap and Dark Pact in between rotations as needed. You are better off flasking. Spell penetration If all the locks in your raid are destruction and you particularly enjoy Affliction, have a talk with your raid/guild leader and try to set up something. This SM/Ruin-build focuses on the Destruction tree to give the Warlock more flexibility with the two schools. Malediction increases total raid/ group damage. Shoulder It is complex because it scales with how much your other stats are (crit, dmg). The major downsides of this build are the losses of the minion and of two Affliction ultimates, namely Dark Pact and Unstable Affliction. 2.Quartz This build sacrifices the Shadow and Flame talent to pick up as many points in Shadow Mastery as possible without losing Backlash. Shadow Embrace reduces damage done by the debuffed target and helps reduce the healing required on the main tank. The arena builds are also competitive due to their survivability allowing them to engage and DoT or AoE several enemies at once and outlast them until they die. If you raid with a lot of fire Mages(Improved Scorch) then you may want to use the Fire DS/S&F raid spec, but if you raid with shadow priests(Shadow Weaving) then you may want to use the Shadow DS/S&F raiding build. The general strategy is to send the Felguard in, and while you have mana, Shadowbolt or Immolate. Second, fill demonology down to Improved Voidwalker. II.Specs These are the stats in order of importance(In my opinion). There is a risk that the mob is killed before the completion of a DoT. The place where this build really shines is as a solo farming build. In general, sacrificing the Succubus for extra damage or the Voidwalker for extra health regeneration is preferred. The text in the notes was referring to other effects that would process on a debuff or other such effects. I'm having difficulty choosing between Mage. It's our favourite expansion and it has been etched in our minds for many years, a subject we were always keen on taking on but always stayed away. If mobs or your opponents attack you instead of your Felguard, you can drain tank them quite well, although in PvP Fear then Drain Life, Shadow Bolt, or Incinerate (in addition to Corruption, Immolate, and a curse of course) is preferable. Hi and welcome to my TBC Warlock Guide for all aspects of BC Raiding from Karazhan to Black Temple. Spec whatever you want but do not pick up nether protection. It was originally stated that Shadow Embrace no longer benefits Soul Siphon. The utility of this spec however doesn’t. Even fully talented Drain Life is lower DPS than moderately talented shadow bolt or incinerate, so this build's damage is unlikely to match that of Unstable Affliction/Destructive Reach. In 2's resto druids were arguably the most dominant spec in TBC for arenas. Cloak: Subtlety Guardian elixirs pretty much blow. Therefore some spell penetration from gear is recommended. The best way to maximize your overall attributes it to balance your stats wisely. Best Trinkets(IMO) Meta’s Since Shadow Bolt are the main source of damage, Devastation is crucial for the increased crit and Destructive Reach helps from hitting the Threat Cap too soon. Drops off Illidan. An improvement on KLH threat meter. It is generally NOT recommended for raid DPS because 42/0/19 variants and 0/21/40 are both generally considered superior in raid environments[1], but is here for completeness because it is an often discussed build. This build drops Demonic Sacrifice from the classic DS/SnF build and uses the point to pick up Shadowfury. The curse of choice is Curse of Elements so Malediction is taken. 2 points can be taken from the affliction tree (the maximum without losing Malediction) and placed into Improved Imp. This spec would provide the basic beneficial survivability and stat boosting abilities from demonology, while getting bonus crit damage from destruction. This is a hotly debated subject among end-game raiding warlocks. Three seconds before Demon form starts, begin casting a soul fire. However, it can still be obtained through the exchange of Tier 4 armor tokens. Alternatively Improved Imp is also a worthy addition to this build as the warlock will usually have an Imp out both when soloing and grouping, though a. Suppression reduces resists which translates into more damage. A build-changing decision is even to drop Shadowfury and instead take Siphon Life, to further increase longevity in long fights. Improved Shadow Bolt and Bane are taken to give punch to your shadow bolts. There really isn’t a reason in PvE to gear up for these stats specifically unless your creating a set for tanking for fights such as Leotheras, Kael’Thas and later on illidan. And also you will lack the talents to gain anything useful from Demonology, although healthstones are benefitial to everyone (and a player can have up to 3 healthstones in their inventory)and bonus stamina,health, mana, and the talents in Demonic Aegis are well worth getting. Hope this is helpful to some people, and hope you enjoy reading! The combination of high stamina, Dark Pact, Improved Life Tap and powerful Drain Life will allow a warlock to grind with very few breaks to eat and drink. 1.Spell Hit Hope this is helpful to some people, and hope you enjoy reading! Grinding mobs becomes a cycle of fast kills followed by much slower kills. In this section of the guide, we cover effective strategies for Affliction Warlocks in PvP, including team utility, Fear usage in PvP, and some common mistakes that Affliction Warlocks make (so that you can avoid making them yourself). Tanking for this is as easy as it gets. You will be Affliction from Karazhan until TK/SSC. The raw damage will not match up to DS/SnF, but the addition of Shadowfury and the ability to keep a demon summoned gives a great deal more utility. A dead warlock with a dead tank does no DPS, so even with the high cost of not sacrificing this can be worth it. The 2 set bonus is pretty much useless, its only good towards Affliction locks(but these are rare in t6 instances). Hence raid composition has a great effect on which spec is best for a given situation. Scryer’s Bloodgem (+hit Trinket) The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. Rogue is equally as good in PvP and one of the best classes in PvE. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. Back We’ve compiled up to date and accurate information for WoW private servers, we have a robust list of compatible WoW addons, and a list of comprehensive World of Warcraft guides!. With the start of Season 4, all Season 2 rewards are now available for purchase using honor points instead of arena points. A succubus is sacrificed for an additional +15% shadow damage. So if those 2 are low you won’t see much improvement from haste. If you don’t have these numbers, Affliction is usually a better choice for overall raid dps. A good advantage is that some pieces come with spell hit. This spec is highly effective for tanking Leotheras' Demon Form, Grand Astromancer Capernian in Kael'Thas' fight, blue beam tanking at netherspite, and several other mobs with spell-based attacks. 3.Spell Crit The number of points placed in suppression should be chosen to bridge the gap between your spell hit on gear and the cap. Shadowmeld is insane for Druid (allow you to drink while stealth). It gives a 6% additional damage bonus to all Shadow Bolts and incinerates. Star-Heart Lamp Balance is important with gear, and gems. The main damage in this build is based on only doing CoA (in case the mob lives long enough), and then spamming Shadow Bolts. As for solo PvE, it is best to sacrifice a void walker instead for health regeneration buff and life tap after each kill. Affliction offers several raid buffs such as Shadow Embrace and Malediction, and your demon is not sacrificed or used for DPS, allowing you to keep an Imp out for Blood Pact. Improved Imp is taken for the 30% increase to Blood Pact. Shoulder: Inscription of the Orb/ Discipline Weapon: Major Spellpower for early on raiding. The build offers excellent survivability paired with high damage output. We almost … Malediction/Ruin I played a lot of arena 2s back in the day TBC was out. Curse of Exhaustion helps the warlock kite which is useful in certain situations, such as Vashj's Coilfang Strider adds. Robe of the Crimson Order An alternative build is to spend 5 points on improving the Succubus (. The gear requirements are lower because Suppression provides you with a 10% Spell Hit rating from the beginning. Hex Shrunken Head – Really high bonus damage and good use. This spec has many of the benefits that a 0/21/40 spec has, but lacking in solid damage output.

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