26. Dezember 2020

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[164] He criticized the Bertelsmann Stiftung as being "undemocratic" and lacking in transparency. Und die Parteien: Machtmaschinen, in denen das Gemeinwohl ein Fremd- oder Hohnwort ist. [173] Arno Klönne, a sociologist and political scientist, has argued that the Bertelsmann Stiftung's non-profit nature was questionable because, he maintains, it actively promotes the business of the Bertelsmann Group. In the report's foreword, Karl Carstens, president of the Federal Republic of Germany, praised the "achievement of foundations in the public sphere. Case Study : Axel Springer 3 Case Study: Axel Springer Transparenz in der Ho lz -und Papierkette Kontakt: Anna Peters Projektmanager Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen/Corporate Social Responsibility Bertelsmann Stiftung Telef on 05241 81 -81 401 Fax 05241 81 -681 246 E-Mail anna .peters @bertelsmann.de www.bertelsmann -stiftung.de [168] Schuler also criticized German foundation law, which allows foundations such as the Bertelsmann Stiftung to exist at all. Expenditures amounted to 73.8 million euros. [49][50] During his tenure, the executive committee became an executive board once again;[51] the goal was to strengthen corporate governance by promoting greater transparency and independence. [160] The book's 30 contributors focused in particular on the foundation's non-profit status and political influence. [29][30][31] At the end of the 1980s, the Bertelsmann Stiftung offices were built opposite the Bertelsmann corporate headquarters. In 1979, Hans-Dieter Weger was appointed the first managing director. Registrieren Sie sich hier für den Newsletter der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Axel Brüggemann wurde am 19. The Bertelsmann Stiftung is a place where we look across political boundaries to the future, so we can develop new impulses for change. [129][130], The Bertelsmann Stiftung regularly analyzed health care in Germany for what it calls its "Gesundheitsmonitor" (Health-Care Monitor). After World War II, Bertelsmann, under the leadership of Reinhard Mohn, went from being a medium-sized enterprise to a major conglomerate, offering not only books but also television, radio, music, magazines and services. The Bertelsmann Stiftung is an independent foundation under private law, based in Gütersloh, Germany. [90] The Bertelsmann Stiftung does not engage in partisan politics. [186][187][188], In 2006, the author and journalist Harald Schumann discussed the non-profit status of the Bertelsmann Stiftung in the Tagesspiegel newspaper. [21] Mohn functioned as the foundation's sole executive and was supported by a newly created advisory board from 1983 onwards. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung still exists today. Anhand der wichtigsten großen Reformen der letzten Jahre, werde ich den politischen Einfluss und die Vorgehensweise der Bertelsmann Stiftung vorstellen und auswerten. Moreover, he asserts, the annual dividend payment to the foundation is tax-free and, with its annual budget of around €60 million, the foundation does not spend nearly as much as it costs the state in terms of lost revenue. [146][147][148] The goal is to increase social participation through singing and music. [161] The anthology generated widespread public debate on the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Its activities almost always involved turning some alleged administrative failure into a scandal, Kraus said. Top Competitors of Bertelsmann SE ... Vivendi, Axel Springer SE, COX ENTERPRISES, News Corp. What companies has Bertelsmann SE acquired? On the contrary, they argued, the tax exemption was unjustly being used for the purpose of carrying out a transformation of society according to the beliefs of the Bertelsmann Stiftung's founder, Reinhard Mohn, by means of private, tax-financed private policy consulting and by bypassing democratic decision making processes through public discourse in Germany's constitutional bodies. [156][157], In recent years, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has been the subject of public debate. The aim was to promote reading and media literacy in Spain. [26][27], Kurt Biedenkopf was elected as the first chairman of the advisory board in 1987,[28] and Reinhard Mohn himself took over this position in 1990. He developed the concept of an operational foundation that develops and oversees its own projects. [151] It has repeatedly published analyses and studies on changes in the German labor market,[152] and the findings were partly incorporated into the Hartz reforms carried out during the Gerhard Schröder government. [173] Speaking with broadcaster Deutschlandfunk in 2007, the former SPD politician and publicist Albrecht Müller called the foundation an "anti-democratic institution. Daraufhin rief Thielen die Stiftung ins Leben. [110][111] For years, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has advocated accelerating the EU's decision-making processes and promoting European integration. [163] In it, Schuler describes how the Bertelsmann Stiftung seeks to make contact with leading politicians and to advise them. [6] Dabei spielten sowohl gesellschafts- und unternehmenspolitische Motive als auch steuerliche Gründe eine Rolle. Für die Bertelsmann-Stiftung hat Axel Brüggemann unter anderem die Veranstaltung Verdi und Wagner moderiert. [155] In collaboration with the Hans Böckler Foundation, it carried out a study on employee participation in German companies. [140], The Bertelsmann Stiftung's oldest project in the field of culture is the competition Neue Stimmen (New Voices) international singing competition,[141] which was launched by Liz Mohn in 1987 and still takes place today. She suggested that the RTL and VOX television stations belonging to the Bertelsmann Group and numerous Gruner + Jahr magazines served the foundation by disseminating its messages. Broadcasting. Aber auch hier wurden in den vergangenen Jahren Journalisten staatlich überwacht, etwa, wenn sie in der rechtsextremen Szene recherchierten. Die Stadt von morgen ist eine kluge – das könnte der Leitspruch für das Smart City-Programm Amsterdams sein. Dezember 1971 in Bremen geboren. In earlier years, foundations in Germany were required to spend all their income for their chosen purposes. [34][35], In addition to Reinhard Mohn, Ulrich Saxer and Werner Weidenfeld were appointed to the Bertelsmann Stiftung executive board in 1993. According to Sandt, because Brigitte Mohn was a member of both the Bertelsmann Stiftung executive board and the supervisory board of Rhön-Klinikum, the foundation's neutrality in the health sector is questionable. Nach seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Vorstand der Bertelsmann Stiftung im Jahr 2013 nahm die Walter Blüchert Stiftung unter seinem Vorsitz ihre Arbeit auf. Ein bestenfalls langweiliges Parlament. Furthermore, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has an office in the European Quarter in Brussels. Sie forderten mich auf bei einem Anwalt/Notar Bertelsmann anzurufen und meinen Gewinn abzurufen. [15][16] About two years later it began its work. Mehr Infos zur Aktion: "TTIP-Werbung der Bertelsmann-Stiftung stoppen", finden auf www.lobbycontrol.de Hintergrund Die Bertelsmann-Stiftung wirbt seit langem für ein Freihandelsabkommen zwischen den USA und der EU. Film/Video Production & Services. [38] In the 1993 transfer agreement, however, shareholdings and voting rights were strictly separated, so that the foundation cannot exercise any significant influence on the Bertelsmann Group,[10] which is still largely controlled by the Mohn family. Die Bertelsmann Stiftung ist eine operative, konzeptionell arbeitende Institution mit dem Bestreben, Führung, Organisation und Arbeitsweise von Stiftungen zu professionalisieren. 80.9 percent of the capital shares in Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA are held indirectly by foundations (Bertelsmann Stiftung, Reinhard Mohn Stiftung, BVG-Stiftung), and 19.1 percent are held indirectly by the Mohn family. New management was also hired. Die Autoren sind nationale und internationale Experten mit langjährigen Erfahrungen in deutschen und ausländischen Stiftungen. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Das Magazin der In addition, the Bertelsmann Stiftung made grants to affiliated non-profit organizations in the amount of €11.3 million. 2 talking about this. [170], Due to its majority interest in the Bertelsmann Group, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has been repeatedly accused of combining non-profit and commercial interests. [193], In 2007, the trade union ver.di terminated its cooperation with the Bertelsmann Stiftung. [18] The Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Bertelsmann Group also provided support for the construction of the Gütersloh municipal library. [169] Peter Rawert, an expert on foundations, noted that the Bertelsmann Stiftung is guaranteed a return on its holdings in the Bertelsmann Group that is probably lower than what could be achieved with a fixed-income investment. [60] At present, the Bertelsmann Stiftung executive board consists of Ralph Heck (chairman), Liz Mohn (vice-chairwoman), Brigitte Mohn and Jörg Dräger. [13] In 1989, the architecture firm Gerkan, Marg and Partners won a competition to design the new headquarters of the Bertelsmann Stiftung opposite the headquarters of the Bertelsmann Group. Herzlich willkommen beim Kreisverband Potsdam der Freien Demokraten! [192], The Bertelsmann Stiftung has always rejected these accusations, noting that its non-profit status has been recognized by the tax authorities and is reviewed on an ongoing basis. The executive board develops the Bertelsmann Stiftung's organizational strategy, coordinates it with the board of trustees and oversees its implementation. Anruf erfolgte wegen eines angeblichen nicht eingelösten Gewinns aus einer Verlosung der Verlage Axel Springer und Bertelsmann. Ghislain Jean Maurice + Freeman-Thomas, Carine Nicole Botschafter, Botschaft des Königreichs Belgien Deckert, Claudelle Schauspielerin Diekmann, Kai + Kessler, Katja Donskoy, Daniel + Dahlmann, Britta Schauspieler Döpfner, Dr Mathias Vorstandsvorsitzender, Axel Springer SE [149], The foundation has examined the impact of globalization on society is examined in terms of the opportunities and risks it presents. [114][115] One example is the concept of a non-profit rating agency. Model projects in this area have been carried out repeatedly since the end of the 1990s to achieve a number of objectives, including more and better music education in preschools. [19], In 1982, the Bertelsmann Stiftung presented its first public report of its activities. [174] By consulting with politicians outside of government settings, Lieb suggests, the Bertelsmann Stiftung is pursuing a "privatization of politics," a situation that offers mutual benefits: civil servants and politicians are given a protected space where they alone are provided with information free of charge and where they can engage in discussion, while the Bertelsmann Stiftung secures access to all the projects it wants to influence. [22], In 1988, the Bertelsmann Stiftung awarded the Carl Bertelsmann Prize (now known as the Reinhard Mohn Prize) for the first time. Das Magazin der These include the chairman or another member of the supervisory board of the Bertelsmann Group; a successor to Bertelsmann Stiftung founder Reinhard Mohn; Liz Mohn; and three to 11 other persons. [116], The Bertelsmann Stiftung also helped fund the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in 2010. [36], In 1998, Reinhard Mohn stepped down from his leading role at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. [13] In addition to the head office in Gütersloh, the Bertelsmann Group has an office in the Kommandantenhaus in Berlin, which has been used by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, too. [106][107][108] With regard to cooperation between Germany's federal government, state and local institutions, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has been calling for several years for a revision of the system used to redistribute income among the country's states. Im März … [3], Since its establishment, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has invested a total of €1.7 billion in charitable work. [3], The first offices of the Bertelsmann Stiftung were located in a residential building on Gütersloh's Carl-Miele-Straße. [169], The Bertelsmann Stiftung describes itself as politically non-partisan. Ein Gipfeltreffen der Opern-Giganten mit Einblicken in das Mailänder Ricordi-Archiv und Gesprächen mit Forschern, Vorständen und dem Dirigenten Daniel Barenboim. Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen: Neues Angebot für Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Arbeitszeit von Männern und Frauen: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit klaffen auseinander, Social Entrepreneurs leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag, Zukunft gestalten – Zweite Folge ist online. [165][166] In his opinion, the originally good idea behind the foundation developed into a "distorted world,"[167] the basic organization of which he called into question. Die Erfolgsgeschichte der EU fortzuschreiben, darum, so Axel Dittmann, Auswärtiges Amt und Christian Kastrop, Bertelsmann Stiftung müsse es ganz wesentlich in den kommenden Monaten gehen. Diese Kritik ist so alt wie billig, so populär wie falsch. [99] In addition, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has also been involved for years in vocational education and training. [158] In 2007, Jens Wernicke and Torsten Bultmann published an anthology, entitled "Netzwerk der Macht – Bertelsmann" ("Network of Power – Bertelsmann"),[159] which takes a critical look at the structure and activities of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. [69][70][71] It now has its own branch office on Werderschen Markt in the immediate vicinity of the Federal Foreign Office and the Humboldt Forum. [45][46] With this step, Reinhard Mohn gave up all previous management functions, remaining only a member of the board of trustees. [36] In the same year, Reinhard Mohn transferred the majority of the capital shares in the Bertelsmann Group to the foundation, a move intended to ensure continuity at the company. [44] As an interim step, at the end of 2000 Reinhard Mohn became chairman of both the executive committee and the board of trustees, until Gunter Thielen succeeded him in both positions in mid-2001. [60] The Bertelsmann Stiftung board of trustees currently includes Werner J. Bauer (chairman), Liz Mohn (vice-chairwoman), Dominik Asam,[63] Wolf Bauer, Carsten Coesfeld,[64] Thomas Coesfeld,[65] Christoph Mohn, Carolina Müller-Möhl, Viviane Reding, and Philipp Rösler[66].

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