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Bismarck also repeated his emphatic warning against any German military involvement in Balkan disputes. The editorial indicated that highly influential Germans were alarmed by France's rapid recovery from defeat in 1875 and its announcement of an increase in the size of its army, as well as talks of launching a preventive war against France. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Frankfurt, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. France pressured Leopold into withdrawing his candidacy. The National Liberals took this program to be an expression of State Socialism, against which they were dead set. Prussia's boundaries according to the Vienna treaties are not favorable to a healthy state life. [30]​, En principio, Bismarck defendió los derechos de la corona y de la nobleza,[30]​ cosa natural en él si tenemos en cuenta que era miembro de la última. [75] Historian Paul Knaplund concludes: Bismarck's main mistake was giving in to the Army and to intense public demand in Germany for acquisition of the border provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, thereby turning France into a permanent, deeply-committed enemy (see French–German enmity). Originally, it had been proposed that the Diet of the German Confederation, in which all the states of Germany were represented, should determine the fate of the duchies; but before this scheme could be effected, Bismarck induced Austria to agree to the Gastein Convention. Bismarck opened debate on the subject in November 1881 in the Imperial Message to the Reichstag, using the term practical Christianity to describe his program. Nonetheless, Bismarck denounced Christian's decision to completely annex Schleswig to Denmark. Bismarck instead returned to conservative factions, including the Centre Party, for support. This conversation had been edited so that each nation felt that its ambassador had been slighted and ridiculed, thus inflaming popular sentiment on both sides in favor of war. The German public turned to an expansionist in dramatic contrast stands the ambition of Wilhelm II's Weltpolitik to secure the Reich's future through expansion, leading to World War I. 1849) and Wilhelm (b. Although Bismarck hoped to become a diplomat, he started his practical training as a lawyer in Aachen and Potsdam, and soon resigned, having first placed his career in jeopardy by taking unauthorized leave to pursue two English girls: first Laura Russell, niece of the Duke of Cleveland, and then Isabella Loraine-Smith, daughter of a wealthy clergyman. [39]​ Por entonces intentaba por todos los medios a su alcance defender el poder de la corona y los privilegios de la nobleza. He became convinced that to countervail Austria's newly restored influence, Prussia would have to ally herself with other German states. Receiving the support of the independent South German states in the Confederation's defeat of France, he formed the German Empire – which also excluded Austria – and united Germany. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Frankfurt, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. [53]​ Era el típico orgullo del Junker frente a la sociedad burguesa de una antigua ciudad imperial carente de nobleza cortesana. De todos sus profesores, Bismarck solo se interesó por Arnold Heeren, historiador y profesor de Derecho público, cuyas ideas sobre el mapa político europeo le dominarían en gran medida en el futuro. Bismarck, que defendía el nacionalismo prusiano como un factor específico, temía que la monarquía prusiana desapareciera en la "hedionda agitación revolucionaria que estaba sumiendo en el caos al sur de Alemania". Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Frankfurt, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. [44]​ Poco tiempo antes había afirmado que había que hablar al sentido común del hombre prusiano, no a los corazones alemanes, enfocando así la cuestión desde la perspectiva de la individualidad de Prusia y de belicismo en política interior, suponen la más dura crítica a las aspiraciones alemanas de su tiempo. Creía que la revolución saldría del funcionariado y de la clase media pretendidamente culta de las grandes ciudades. Prince Wilhelm became King of Prussia upon his brother Frederick Wilhelm IV's death in 1861. After his wife's death on 27 November 1894, his health worsened and one year later he was finally confined to a wheelchair.[130][131][132][133]. [62]​ A Prusia no le costaría grandes esfuerzos neutralizar a Austria en este terreno. He was also promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, and bought a former hotel in Friedrichsruhnear Hamburg, which became an estate. Pero sería la enfermedad mortal de Marie la que condujo a lo que se ha dado en llamar la conversión de Bismarck,[24]​ cuando comenzó a frecuentar los círculos protestantes y cristianos, aunque sin contraer un compromiso religioso estrecho. En diciembre de 1860 escribía al ministro: En septiembre de 1861, Bismarck criticó la visión negativista que ofrecía el programa político del partido conservador,[75]​ pues se limitaba a decir que no era lo que no quería. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “El Landtag unificado”..., pág. The world saw Bismarck as a typical backwoods Prussian Junker, an image that he encouraged by wearing military uniforms. [66]​ El regente habló del futuro canciller con escasa simpatía, y su esposa Augusta lo odiaba desde 1848. It forced him to take into account the fear and alarm that his bullying and Germany's fast-growing power was causing among its neighbors, and reinforced his determination that Germany should work in proactive fashion to preserve the peace in Europe, rather than passively let events take their own course and reacting to them.[92][93]. En 1871 se establece la hegemonía alemana sobre el continente europeo y la constitución imperial de 1871 fija las características del nuevo Imperio: la delimitación territorial con la unión federal de todos los Estados, las instituciones políticas y administrativas, los principios y los aspectos del federalismo y la unidad. Some in the German military clamored for a preemptive war with Russia; Bismarck refused, stating: "Preemptive war is like committing suicide for fear of death. In it he described Bismarck as a reckless and dashing eccentric, but also as an extremely gifted and charming young man.[13]. [76]​ Al marchar a la capital francesa, Bismarck se fue solo, pues deducía de una observación de su rey que su nombramiento ministerial estaba al caer. Bismarck was alarmed by Prussia's isolation during the Crimean War of the mid-1850s, in which Austria sided with Britain and France against Russia; Prussia was almost not invited to the peace talks in Paris. The genius-statesmen had transformed European politics and had unified Germany in eight and a half years. Geburtstag von Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898), Ministerpräsident von Preußen, Kanzler des Norddeutschen Bundes und der erste Reichskanzler des Deutschen Kaiserreichs [56]​ Bismarck fue siempre un abierto partidario de defender los intereses del propio Estado, pero también es verdad que presupuso en los demás la misma actitud. Bismarck later recorded that there had been a "rattling of sabres in their scabbards" from Prussian officers when they learned that the King would not suppress the revolution by force. El presidente o ministro, decía, "no tratan con personas, sino con papel y tinta únicamente".[24]​. The Bundesrat was, in practice, the stronger chamber. Kniephof. Historians debate whether Bismarck had a master plan to expand the North German Confederation of 1866 to include the remaining independent German states into a single entity or simply to expand the power of the Kingdom of Prussia. Under the Constitution, the budget could be passed only after the king and legislature agreed on its terms. 49-50. Bismarck insisted on a "soft peace" with no annexations and no victory parades, so as to be able to quickly restore friendly relations with Austria. 55. En 1835 realizó su examen de licenciatura en Derecho, que no nos ilustra demasiado su ideario, pues respondía más a las preguntas del examinador que a los intereses del examinado.[20]​. Bismarck tuvo una gran cantidad de seudónimos entre los que destacan el «Canciller de Hierro» y el «Aniquilador de Ciudades». Without these two events, Italian unification would have been a more prolonged process. otto von bismarck biografia, imagen de otto von bismarck; Anuncios relacionados con: Otto von Bismarck. La Austria amiga había devenido en el incondicional enemigo Habsburgo, por lo que se estaba perdiendo la esperanza de que la situación cambiara con una política interior austríaca distinta. El 18 de enero de 1871 se proclamó el Imperio alemán en Versalles y Guillermo I, emperador de la Alemania unificada, con Bismarck como canciller. Más tarde se justificaría aduciendo que en aquella época el ejército prusiano no estaba en condiciones de afrontar una guerra. [3] However, his annexation of Alsace-Lorraine (Elsaß-Lothringen) gave new fuel to French nationalism and Germanophobia. Bismarck se fue promovido al rango de «coronel general con la dignidad de mariscal de campo» (llamado así porque el ejército alemán no nombró mariscales de campo en tiempos de paz). Bismarck wanted to demonstrate the willingness of the German government to reduce the hardship experienced by the German workers so as to wean them away from supporting the various left-wing parties, most importantly the Social Democrats. Historians debate whether Bismarck wanted this annexation or was forced into it by a wave of German public and elite opinion. That left the Catholics without a voice in high circles. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “La juventud de Bismarck”..., pág. Immediately after he left office, citizens started to praise him and established funds to build monuments like the Bismarck Memorial or towers dedicated to him. Pero el nuevo monarca ya estaba sufriendo de un cáncer de garganta incurable y falleció después de un reinado de solo tres meses. Socialists won seats in the Reichstag also by running as independent candidates, unaffiliated with any party, although the law did not ban the SPD directly, which was allowed by the German constitution.[70]. Bismarck, sintiéndose presionado y poco apreciado por el Emperador y hostigado por sus ambiciosos adversarios, se negó a firmar una proclama sobre la protección de los trabajadores junto con Guillermo, como requería la Constitución alemana, en protesta por la injerencia cada vez más grande de Guillermo sobre la autoridad antes incuestionable de Bismarck. He no longer had the support of the powerful conservative interest groups who had helped him achieve power. In 1847, Bismarck, aged thirty-two, was chosen as a representative to the newly created Prussian legislature, the Vereinigter Landtag. La ciudad en un principio le causó una impresión muy grata: "Lo único que me saca de quicio es no poder fumar por la calle".[69]​[70]​[n. For other uses, see, German statesman and Chancellor (1815-1898), Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen. Bismarck had only minor injuries. [70]​ Además permaneció fuera de dicha ciudad, concretamente en Berlín, durante casi un año esperando su nombramiento como ministro. [86], France was Bismarck's main problem. “Juventud, estudios y pensamientos”..., pág. [82]​ Al llegar a Berlín, su nombramiento no estaba ni muchísimo menos decidido. Bismarck tampoco enjuiciaba desde una perspectiva nacionalista la suerte de Schleswig y Holstein, que tan profundas preocupaciones suscitaba en los ambientes políticos. Juli 1898 in Friedrichsruh bei Aumühle), war ein deutscher Politiker und Staatsmann. He played his parts with perfect self-confidence, yet mixed them with rage, anxiety, illness, hypochrondria, and irrationality. However he changed, broke with the liberals, and adopted tariffs to win Catholic support and shore up his political base. He was dubious about laws protecting workers at the workplace, such as safe working conditions, limitation of work hours, and the regulation of women's and child labor. Bismarck denied knowing about the article ahead of time, but he certainly knew about the talk of preventive war. 4]​. [51]​, Durante los primeros momentos, sus ideas sobre política interior permanecieron invariables con respecto a las que había mantenido en la época de 1848. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Frankfurt, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. Immediately after the peace, he had tried to paralyse the Balkan rivals by the formation of the Three Emperors' League. 39, Comentario de Otto von Bismarck en Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Fráncfort, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. It was a product of the desire of Hamburg's patrician classes to defend their political privileges in the face of dramatic social change and attendant demands for political reform. Combatía el matrimonio civil. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Pensamientos”..., pág. [62]​ Cierto que no deseaba una alianza con Francia, pero tampoco había que desechar esa posibilidad, "pues no se puede jugar al ajedrez cuando a uno le han prohibido de antemano 16 de las 64 casillas". Prussia had only a plurality (17 out of 43 seats) in the Bundesrat despite being larger than the other 21 states combined, but Bismarck could easily control the proceedings through alliances with the smaller states. Él quería establecer una unión íntima con Rusia, animado —como los Gerlach— en su fuero interno por la convicción de la solidaridad conservadora de las grandes monarquías. [145][146] However, Henry Kissinger notes the dangers of this legacy for Germany in the 20th century. [62]​[65]​ Sus ideas sobre la política exterior sufrieron una evolución —no siempre tenida en cuenta— que por entonces se imponía ya por toda Europa. Bismarck had first made this famous comment to the Reichstag in December 1876, when the Balkan revolts against the Ottoman Empire threatened to extend to a war between Austria and Russia: Only a year later [1876], he is faced by the alternative of espousing the cause of Russia or that of Austria. The result was the Kulturkampf, which, with its largely Prussian measures, complemented by similar actions in several other German states, sought to curb the clerical danger by legislation restricting the Catholic church's political power. Las reflexiones históricas posteriores nos han hecho olvidar a menudo que en el momento del nombramiento todo parecía indicar que el poderío de la corona prusia, lejos de ascender, declinaba. After fifteen years of warfare in the Crimea, Germany and France, Europe began a period of peace in 1871. En 1832, a los 17 años, se matriculó en la Universidad de Gotinga para estudiar Derecho. The Berlin Conference of 1884–85 organized by Bismarck can be seen as the formalization of the Scramble for Africa. [94] He can be seen as a marginal contributor to Italian unification. [43]​, Bismarck se oponía tajantemente a que el rey de Prusia aceptase su elección como emperador, decidida por la Asamblea Nacional de Fráncfort. Bering, "Being Bismarck.". La Conferencia de Berlín en los años 1884-1885 define los derechos coloniales y regula los dominios sobre las cuencas de los grandes ríos, y sobre todo, del río Congo. Bismarck had also made a secret alliance with Italy, who desired Austrian-controlled Veneto. To facilitate this, Bismarck arranged for the administration of this program to be placed in the hands of Der Arbeitgeberverband in den beruflichen Korporationen (the Organization of Employers in Occupational Corporations). El plan de abdicación del monarca generó, para Bismarck, una situación nueva. He also continued to serve as his own foreign minister. Bismarck suspected it would split the liberal opposition. A pesar de todo, este último intentó ejercer una constante influencia en Berlín para conseguir sus objetivos políticos,[62]​[66]​ y entre otros asuntos insistió en que Prusia, si mostraba una actitud liberal, podría fijarse metas tan amplias que Austria sería incapaz de aceptar; no obstante, se guardaría muy mucho de provocar a Prusia con métodos propagandísticos liberalizadores para ganarse así las simpatías nacionales de Alemania. The year before his death, Bismarck again predicted: One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.[136]. He felt that colonies did not pay for themselves, that the German formal bureaucratic system would not work well in the easy-going tropics, and that the diplomatic disputes colonies brought would distract Germany from its central interest, Europe itself. Los ejércitos conservadores no debían aniquilarse entre sí; según él, no era honorable "condenar con la palabra el camino de la revolución y, sin embargo, seguirlo en la práctica". [34]​, Semejante actitud se hizo evidente sobre todo en 1848. A este respecto, Bismarck defendió, el 3 de diciembre de 1850, el tratado preliminar de Olmütz (firmado el mes anterior),[46]​ por el cual Prusia renunciaba a su política de unificación y llegaba a un acuerdo con Austria, cediendo a las presiones de Rusia. Bismarck therefore made the decision to join the Scramble for Africa. [125], In a parliamentary state, the head of government depends on the confidence of the parliamentary majority and has the right to form coalitions to ensure their policies have majority support. Their long and happy marriage produced three children: Marie (b. Más tarde se diría que abandonó la escuela convertido en un panteísta y convencido de que la república era la forma de gobierno más racional. Richter, Werner, “Oficio”..., pág. No seréis ya prusianos, seréis alemanes [...] Bismarck was intent on maintaining royal supremacy by ending the budget deadlock in the King's favour, even if he had to use extralegal means to do so. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “El Landtag unificado”..., pág. [33], Prior to the 1860s, Germany consisted of a multitude of principalities loosely bound together as members of the German Confederation. Jonathan Steinberg says of Bismarck's achievements to this point: The scale of Bismarck's triumph cannot be exaggerated. His father, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck (1771–1845), was a Junker estate owner and a former Prussian military officer; his mother, Wilhelmine Luise Mencken (1789–1839), was the well-educated daughter of a senior government official in Berlin. En esta situación, Bismarck pensó incluso en establecer contactos políticos con la Francia de Napoleón III. [78][79] A key element was the League of the Three Emperors, in which Bismarck brought together rulers in Berlin, Vienna and St. Petersburg to guarantee each other's security, while blocking out France; it lasted 1881–1887. [43]​ En realidad, Bismarck solo pretendía que reinara la armonía y la concordia entre los distintos Estados alemanes y rechazaba de plano cualquier política unificadora que limitara el poder y la autonomía de Prusia. Las declaraciones de esos años dejan traslucir cierta inclinación por las tareas de estadista. ("¿Qué es de la patria alemana?"). Birth of Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancello... Schönhausen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. A pesar de todo, al principio Bismarck se sentía muy a gusto, hasta el punto de confesar a Gerlach en una carta que "en Fráncfort vivía como Dios".[54]​. Many historians praise him as a visionary who was instrumental in uniting Germany and, once that had been accomplished, kept the peace in Europe through adroit diplomacy. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Otto Von-Bismarck y otras personas que quizá conozcas. After a heated argument in Bismarck's office, Wilhelm—to whom Bismarck had shown a letter from Tsar Alexander III describing Wilhelm as a "badly brought-up boy"—stormed out, after first ordering the rescinding of the Cabinet Order of 1851, which had forbidden Prussian Cabinet Ministers from reporting directly to the King of Prussia and required them instead to report via the Chancellor. Su desprecio hacia el pueblo no le impidió un intento de manipular o dirigir la opinión pública. While some liberals argued that constitutional government was a bright line that should not be crossed, most of them believed it would be a waste of time to oppose the bill, and supported it in hopes of winning more freedom in the future. Das neue Kaiserreich übernahm weitgehend die Verfassung des Norddeutschen Bundes. [77]​ En aquellos años, Bismarck no ambicionaba el cargo de ministro y de hecho insistió en varias ocasiones en que prefería la embajada, puesto que le parecía un paraíso en comparación con el enloquecedor trabajo ministerial: "No obstante, si me apuntan con una pistola pidiéndome que responda sí o no, tendría la sensación de cometer cobardía si en la situación actual, tan intrincada y difícil, respondiera con un "no". 18. 345. No obstante, era plenamente consciente de que alguna vez habría que afrontar ese combate generado por los problemas del dualismo alemán, y por eso las palabras de Bismarck[63]​ no hablan de la desaparición de la regulación del dualismo alemán, al contrario que otras interpretaciones erróneas. Numerous statues and memorials dot the cities, towns, and countryside of Germany, including the famous Bismarck Memorial in Berlin and numerous Bismarck towers on four continents. The National Liberals refused to make this law permanent, while the Conservatives supported only the entirety of the bill, threatening to and eventually vetoing the entire bill in session because Bismarck would not agree to a modified bill. [28]​ Bismarck halló en ella sostén y ayuda a lo largo de toda su existencia, precisamente porque evitó con exquisito cuidado influenciarla políticamente en el más estricto sentido de la palabra. He achieved this incredible feat without commanding an army, and without the ability to give an order to the humblest common soldier, without control of a large party, without public support, indeed, in the face of almost universal hostility, without a majority in parliament, without control of his cabinet, and without a loyal following in the bureaucracy. Keeping with his active policy in government, he routinely interrupted Bismarck in Council to make clear his social views. Highly detailed diplomatic history of all major European powers. Bismarck was the dominant figure in the new arrangement; as Foreign Minister of Prussia, he instructed the Prussian deputies to the Bundesrat. Y, además, a finales de los años 70, la crisis económica, las tensiones sociales y una mayor presión (como la Sociedad Colonial, por ejemplo) inclinaron al canciller a revisar su postura, pero señalando que debería tratarse de una expansión limitada, y que no supusiese compromisos financieros para el Estado. [40]​ Defensor a ultranza de los derechos de la nobleza terrateniente, Bismarck enjuiciaba la política fiscal como una especie de confiscación; llamaba a las elecciones una lotería y criticaba con extrema dureza cualquier asomo de parlamentarismo; defendió contra viento y marea la ejecución de Blum. Juli 1898 zu Friedrichsruh bei Hamburg, war e preisesche Politiker. [84]​ A esto se le debe añadir la oposición a la política exterior de sus amigos conservadores y hasta del rey. "Bismarck in a Postmodern World. [43]​, Así lo demuestra con especial claridad la oposición de Bismarck a la política de unificación que llevó a cabo el fallido intento de conseguir, gracias al gobierno prusiano, los objetivos en los que había fracasado la Asamblea Nacional de Fráncfort. En el fondo, el motor de la actividad de Bismarck en el Bundestag fue la lucha por la igualdad y no la preparación del terreno para dirimir la hegemonía en Alemania. Prusia carecía de la clase social que hacía política en Inglaterra. Bismarck tomó el timón de Prusia en una época muy comprometida, tanto en el interior como en el exterior. Esta nación no estaba todavía fijada, y así lo demostraba una simple ojeada al mapa. Fragmento de un poema de Otto von Bismarck. 33. A number of localities around the world have been named in Bismarck's honour. [80]​ A su esposa le escribió diciéndole que las vacaciones habían acabado por restablecerle del todo. [6] Occasionally he displayed a violent temper – which he sometimes feigned to get the results he wanted – and he kept his power by melodramatically threatening resignation time and again, which cowed Wilhelm I. No obstante, afirmar su compenetración con la república es, a todas luces, exagerado. The King and his generals wanted to push onward, conquer Bohemia and march to Vienna, but Bismarck, worried that Prussian military luck might change or that France might intervene on Austria's side, enlisted the help of Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm, who had opposed the war but had commanded one of the Prussian armies at Königgrätz, to dissuade his father after stormy arguments. Historians emphasize that he wanted no more territorial gains after 1871, and vigorously worked to form cross-linking alliances that prevented any war in Europe from starting. Denmark was ultimately forced to renounce its claim on both duchies. Gerwarth argues that the constructed memory of Bismarck played a central role as an antidemocratic myth in the highly ideological battle over the past, which raged between 1918 and 1933. En una carta a su hermana escribía que el famoso lied de Heine: Pronto se convertiría por decisión unánime de los alemanes en himno nacional. Durante los primeros meses en San Petersburgo, Bismarck, al igual que había hecho durante la guerra de Crimea, centró todos sus esfuerzos en impedir una intervención de Prusia en favor de Austria,[69]​[70]​ consciente de que Rusia no lo toleraría. Pius IX died that year, replaced by the more pragmatic Pope Leo XIII who negotiated away most of the anti-Catholic laws. The usual help for the poor, however, leaves a lot to be desired, especially in large cities, where it is very much worse than in the country.[112]. The dominant memory was the great hero of the 1860s, who defeated all enemies, especially France, and unified Germany to become the most powerful military and diplomatic force in the world. Bismarck, hombre de ideología prusiana y conservadora, no deseaba en absoluto que por entonces se solucionase la cuestión alemana. Además desconfiaba de las instituciones oficiales, que se habían dejado impresionar por la tramoya de la Paulskirche. 11]​. [16]​ Fue el cuarto hijo de una familia numerosa. The only memorial depicting him as a student at Göttingen University (together with a dog, possibly his Reichshund Tyras) and as a member of his Corps Hannovera was re-erected in 2006 at the Rudelsburg.[153]. Las mejores ofertas para Viñetas Reichskanzler Otto De Bismarck 1965 (18939) están en eBay Compara precios y características de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artículos con envío gratis! As Prime Minister of Prussia from 1862 to 1890, he was mainly responsible for unifying most of the many independent German countries into the new German Empire in 1871. Bismarck no abrigó, en ningún momento de la disputa, la intención de romper con Gerlach,[65]​ y de hecho en una de sus cartas le confesaba que estaba dispuesto a transigir y reparar la injusticia, si le demostraba que su posición era equivocada.[62]​[n. The new, largely conservative House was on much better terms with Bismarck than previous bodies; at the Minister President's request, it retroactively approved the budgets of the past four years, which had been implemented without parliamentary consent. In 1871, Bismarck was raised to the rank of Fürst (Prince). 42. With Prussian dominance accomplished by 1871, Bismarck skillfully used balance of power diplomacy to maintain Germany's position in a peaceful Europe. The Regent also appointed Helmuth von Moltke as the new Chief of Staff of the Prussian Army, and Albrecht von Roon as Minister of War with the job of reorganizing the army. Politics surrounding the 1866 Austro-Prussian War allowed Italy to annex Venetia, which had been a kronland ("crown land") of the Austrian Empire since the 1815 Congress of Vienna. Bismarck se erige en el árbitro de las cuestiones coloniales, pero al precio de enfriar las relaciones con Londres y acercar el gobierno inglés al francés. He was soon elected to the Reichstag as a National Liberal in Bennigsen's old and supposedly safe Hamburg seat, but he was so humiliated by being taken to a second ballot by a Social Democrat opponent that he never actually took up his seat. Throughout Germany, the accolades were unending; several buildings were named in his honour, portraits of him were commissioned from artists such as Franz von Lenbach and C.W. [43]​, A decir verdad, ya en 1849 hay una serie de indicios que dejan traslucir la superación por parte de Bismarck de sus rígidas ataduras a la política interior. ... [It] marked the high point of [his] career. A devout Lutheran, he was loyal to his king, Wilhelm I, who argued with Bismarck but in the end supported him against the advice of his wife Queen Augusta and his heir Crown Prince Frederick William. Su separación definitiva se produjo después de que Bismarck tratara de poner en práctica las leyes antisocialistas a principios de los años 1890.

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